Religious Life

Religious Life

Our school provides opportunities for students, staff and parents to know and celebrate their Catholic faith. This is done through the religious life of our school. Members of our community experience a rich liturgical and prayer life, celebration of the Sacraments, faith formation, social outreach activities, and opportunities to share faith with each other and with youth from other schools in the Archdiocese.

 The Five Pillars of Marist Education


  • Immersion in the lives of young people, looking for opportunities and ways to be physically present to them.
  • Educating through close and life-giving relationships.
  • Teachers affecting students by who they are.
  • Going into their world, their space.


  • A central gospel value and distinguishing Marist Characteristic.
  • Marcellin insisted on a prevailing simplicity that would ensure transparency, integrity and easiness of relationships, method and style.
  • Lack of pretense or affectation.
  • Authenticity and ease of relationship.

 Family Spirit

  • Love of children: “To educate children first you must love them, and love them equally” is known as St Marcellin’s Golden Rule.
  • Family-style relationships.
  • Dealing with students as if they were your own children.
  • Warm, down-to-earth relationships among all members of the school family.
  • Sense of belonging; a place for everyone.
  • Hospitality.

A Love of Our Work

  • An enthusiasm for the work of the school.
  • Generosity of heart, and doing good quietly.
  • Mastery of the craft of teaching.
  • Zealous search for effective methods and openness to innovation.
  • High expectations of student achievement.
  • Honouring all work in the school and those who undertake it.

In the Way of Mary

  • Mary is the perfect model of the Marist educator.
  • Openness to the action and will of God – like Mary of the Annunciation.
  • Going out, as a bearer of Good News – like Mary of the Visitation.
  • Introducing Jesus to people – like Mary of Cana.
  • Sitting with the suffering face of Jesus in love and faithfulness – like Mary of Calvary.
  • Forming community and sowing hope – like Mary of Pentecost.

Marist Catholic College Kogarah is dedicated to fostering the relationship between church and school, supporting families as the primary educators of their children. The college’s faith formation, immersion, and retreat programs are bolstered by the strong support of parents and families. Staff regularly engage in faith formation opportunities, such as spirituality days, volunteering, immersion and pilgrimage experiences, which further enhance this community connection.

In collaboration with Parish Priest Father Yacub Barkat, Marist Catholic College Kogarah implements a variety of quality initiatives, events, and activities to build respectful relationships among the school, families, and parish. Outreach activities are conducted at individual, year, or college levels and include raising money for charitable organizations during Lent and creating Christmas hampers for disadvantaged groups and individuals.