We value the perspectives and opinions of our students and respond to them in a way that shapes the learning and decision-making at the college.

At Marist Catholic College Kogarah all our students are leaders of their own learning who promote positive change in our school community. Students develop their leadership skills through a college program that addresses the social and emotional wellbeing of all students and provides them with the opportunity to take on leadership roles and be of service to the college and the wider community. This increases student engagement, develops their personal and social capabilities creating a positive environment and culture at the college. They experience higher levels of wellbeing and empowerment and develop stronger relationships with adults and peers, which ultimately drive better learning outcomes where they feel connected and successful at school and in life.

Our senior students play a vital role in our student leadership team and are positive role models, demonstrating a high standard of behaviour and commitment to learning; leading by example with their well groomed appearance and consistent attendance and punctuality. Senior students undertake planned roles and responsibilities that provide opportunities for ‘real world’ learning and partnerships with the parish and community organisations, allowing students to practice and apply skills in agency and leadership.

The college leaders are a group of boys elected by their peers who are chosen to represent the college community. This team of leaders consists of a college captain, college vice captain along with four college house captains and two prefects in the areas of Ministry, Learning, Wellbeing and CAPA (Creative and Performing Arts). Due to their optimistic attitude and exemplary conduct they promote the high standards of the college and demonstrate to their peers and junior students the spirit, culture and traditions at the college.